Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Random passerbys in our lives and the contemplation they cause.. :P

So I spent the past three days doing testing, go me! lol. I'm leaning more towards engineering this fall I think. I want to look more into the types, though I have it narrowed down to three. Anyways, I was struck at the end of todays work with how we meet those random people at times. The ones we converse with, share our lives with as if they were a good friend and then whatever project or thing you were working on that brought about said introduction is over. And you realize later that day that you won't see them again most likely, except perhaps by luck or chance.
Strange to think of how we become friends of a sort with people and then move on days or weeks later. Never thinking to get contact info or anything of the sort to continue the aquaintanceship unless by chance you remember quite a bit later after all is said and done. A few months later you might even find yourself asking, I wonder how such and such is doing. Then pause a moment in contemplation and move on thinking nothing more of it.
I find upon closer inspection of such happenstance that humans can be quite the fickle creature. Ever in search of change. New things, new ideas, forgetting in this quest that perhaps we should stop and look a little harder, try to keep touch with what we've seen and done, people we meet by random design. These things we leave behind in the dust and cobwebs of memory, thinking it of no real importance. But if we were to take that chance, retain and look a little harder... perhaps we would have found something worthwhile later on.... a lifelong friendship, an opportunity led to down the line brought about by forgotten knowledge... and yet, we shall never know cuz on and on we rush... never even realizing we do so.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


peace surrounds me in this eternal night as the wind caresses my body, and fills my mind with the whispers of trees swaying from its touch .

darkened shadows hide the unseen yet faded memories remain waiting for a touch to awaken them once more.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So my daughter has taken to calling me 'mom' the past few days as opposed to 'mommy' or 'momma'. Makes me feel old. hehe. She's not quite three, so I was hoping to have more of the 'little' baby time. I guess kids just grow up faster than we expect though. I'm not sure why this one thing seems to mark a more grown up change in her as opposed to say her speaking in complete sentences with decent grammer. ( Which she's been able to do for awhile now). It just seems as though this one thing, so inconsequential in the long run, marks her as a older child, no longer a baby or a toddler. And in some ways it saddens me, this feeling of my baby, my little pixie, growing up and moving on. Strange what stands out to us sometimes....

On another note i have a two and half and a four yr old now begging for attention so I should probably go before i need a demolition crew to undo the damage XD lol

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Alive? why yes XD

So hello out there, I seem to still be alive and kicking. Though I admit rather silent lately. I've been dealing with a lot of things and just haven't seemed to find the time to sit down and just write. Most of it has been dealing with medicare and medicaid and yelling at them. Which of course is just tooonnnsss of fun (note sarcasm). I've also been coordinating with my DARS counselor about getting evaluated to see if I can go back to work (i'm on disability). None of which is really all THAT important... I just felt the need to explain why I'd dropped off the face of the earth. XD Just so you know I should start dropping some more posts here soon to entertain you. Some of which will probly be my current thoughts on our governments idea of health care and disabled services as I have been dealing with those as of late and find them to have a few gaping holes. Or maybe not... it all depends.


Till the rain drums down
upon scorched earth,
I shall hide myself away
from eternity's sweet light,
as i wait with bated breath
for the return
of night's loving embrace.