Sunday, February 15, 2009

Alive? why yes XD

So hello out there, I seem to still be alive and kicking. Though I admit rather silent lately. I've been dealing with a lot of things and just haven't seemed to find the time to sit down and just write. Most of it has been dealing with medicare and medicaid and yelling at them. Which of course is just tooonnnsss of fun (note sarcasm). I've also been coordinating with my DARS counselor about getting evaluated to see if I can go back to work (i'm on disability). None of which is really all THAT important... I just felt the need to explain why I'd dropped off the face of the earth. XD Just so you know I should start dropping some more posts here soon to entertain you. Some of which will probly be my current thoughts on our governments idea of health care and disabled services as I have been dealing with those as of late and find them to have a few gaping holes. Or maybe not... it all depends.


Till the rain drums down
upon scorched earth,
I shall hide myself away
from eternity's sweet light,
as i wait with bated breath
for the return
of night's loving embrace.


michael said...

wow sorry to hear it, anyways great to see you continue to blog!

Faen said...

Thanks hun :)

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