Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Time....

I suppose it would be kind of remiss of me not to make a post about the upcoming holiday. I sit here listening to Christmas music, slightly amazed at how much having a small child can put one more in the Christmas spirit. We threw up the tree and decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving. I think I might actually be more excited than my daughter. lol. Just the thought of seeing the look on her face.... She finally has the concept of "Santa" down. :) And she also seems to be of the opinion that this is the prettiest holiday.

All this makes me want to be a little more into the actual goings on than the past few years. I'm making the time to make cookies from scratch with her tomorrow. 8 dozen.... I must be insane. Complete with icing... also from scratch... all because I know she'll get a kick out of it. It all works out though... I have cookies and breads to give to family and friends for Christmas since I spent most of my Xmas money on her. What can I say... I'm a sucker. hehe. Granted she didn't ask for anything other than cars, socks, and a hat from Santa, but that's beside the point.

Anyways, the whole reason for the post originally was a passing thought I had a few moments before. You see I'm not christian ~waves her hand~ yes, yes I know... it's my choice though so hush please. I also fully well intend for my daughter to figure out what she believes and not shove crap down her throat. neways... I'm really not sure what I am. As much as I mean to... I just never find the time to find a particular religion I feel at home in or comfortable with. Don't get me wrong... I have beliefs, just not a religion per se.

Here's where the weird part comes in... and in essence the reason for the post. My beliefs in general lead towards a more pagan or shamanistic viewpoint I suppose. And yet, Christmas is a christian holiday.... So why do i feel compelled to celebrate it? Tradition? The ideal of giving and hope instilled in the holiday? I'm really not sure... though I think it might be a bit of both the aforementioned. I love an excuse to give people close to me things. hehe.

I suppose I'm really wondering tho if I'm the only non-christian out there who celebrates Christmas? And if you aren't, and you do... is there a particular reason why?


iliketweet said...

You're not the only un christian celebrating out there, don't worry! I don't really know anyone who is hardcore christian and they all still celebrate christmas, though it's more family orientated.
I'm sure you can finish knitting! I have a pattern for princess mononoke gauntlets if you fancy having a go at them...
Happy Christmas x

michael said...

Ah christmas, its always a great time of year, i personally think people celebrate it as part of the way they were taught that their was good in the world. Do i beleive it...who knows but the thing is christmas is here to give the world hope (at least thats what i think).

PrayerMetro said...

Love finding this on Xmas eve. Maybe the spirit of the Christ in Christmas is stronger than our belief or unbelief. The message of, "Peace on earth and good will to men", doesn't seem to have too much religious overtone. Just goodness. Glad to find folks who love the heart of Xmas as much as I do.

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